Downtown Life Today was an idea I had for a podcast in 2019. I’ve always had a fondness for downtowns, as a kid I would walk to my town’s downtown and buy my models, penny candy, comic books, or even the classic fake dog poop. As an adult I realized that how vibrant a city’s or town’s downtown was, it was an indication of how that city or town was doing. So the idea of Downtown Life Today was born out of the desire to help promote, and hopefully encourage the growth of the downtowns in my area.
In 2019 I started in what was at the time my city Elyria’s downtown. I recorded 21 episodes talking to small business owners, city officials, residents, and organizations about what brought them downtown, what they liked, and what they wanted to see fixed about Downtown Elyria. I created an online map showcasing all the businesses that were located downtown. My idea was to take this format to other downtowns and help them get promoted as well. Then Covid19 hit, not too many people were interested in sitting down in close proximity to have an interview, so I put the show on hiatus.
Well it’s time to dust off the microphone and start again.